Mind over chatter since 1920.

LD/Modest Novice information
Note: At its 6/30/18 Board meeting, the KHSSL Board of Directors decided to extend the LD/Modest Novice debate topic time period through December of each year.
The structure of an LD round is set out here.
Here’s a solid text for How to Do LD Debate.
Lesson Plans for the Modest Topic
Essential to understanding Social Contract ideas is John Locke’s 2nd Treatise on Government. Here’s a link to a quick summary.
Here’s a good guide to writing cases, written by a former debater. His guide to strategy is also good.
A model for case structure is here. A negative case will be the same, only with two contentions rather than three.
A link to the Victory Briefs handbook on the topic, when it was used as the NFL (now NSDA) National topic a few years ago.
Thoreau’s “Resistance to Civil Government” is an essential read/discussion tool for this topic, and it’s accessible to 9th graders.
Judge Napolitano takes a look at natural law and positive law here.
Sample affirmative case here.
A sample Neg case is here.
Here’s an analytical article.